Les pilotes sur la ligne de départ - Crédit Photo Arthur Richard
Imagine an event that only takes place every 4 years. Thousands of people are waiting for it, training and preparing for it for hundreds of hours without counting. The only objective, to go to Brest from Paris and come back in less than 90 hours with 1200 km on the programme. The two most important factors to carry out this project are the pilot and the machine. One doesn't go without the other and it was obvious that the Concours de Machines 2019 had to take place during this mythical event that is Paris-Brest-Paris.
Back to the light hiker for this edition, the competition revisits the theme of the 2016 and 2017 competitions, minus the gravel. You will discover in the following article, the specifications, the course of the competition, the machines of the participants, the prize list, photos taken at the start, during the event and at the finish. The video of Jeanne Lepoix made on the course and highlighting the work of the craftsmen, the physical challenge of the pilots as well as the magnificent atmosphere of Paris-Brest-Paris. Finally we will do a small press review of the paper, internet and radio publications.
At the origin of the regulation, the need of a customer, Mr or Mrs Dreamer, wants a bike to ride Paris-Brest-Paris 2019 :
Dear framers,
You all know Mr (Mrs) Rêveur (euse), of course, you saw him pass one day the threshold of your shop.
Mr. (Mrs.) Dreamer is not bad. He is not demanding. He is not even a connoisseur. It's worse: he dreams. He doesn't care about the possible, the impossible, and "it's not going to be possible". He wants an ideal bike, which of course he is incapable of describing. He has faith in you and in technique.
In 2019, he will once again ride Paris-Brest-Paris, the foolish one. Mr (Mrs) Rêveur (euse) would of course like a beautiful bike, light, joyful and efficient. It's the simplest, you know how to do it.
But he would also like, and in disorder...
1. That this bicycle carries an aesthetic or technical testimony relating to the history of Paris-Brest-Paris, begun, for the record, in 1891.
2. That this bicycle spares its fingers and hands, which will be resting on the casseroles or handlebars for 80 hours of rowing. This is the wound of Paris-Brest-Paris, Mr (Mrs) Rêveur knows it. After the 2015 edition, like many participants, he lost the sensitivity of his little fingers for several weeks. There's no question of that happening again. How can it happen again? That's your business. You can reinvent everything.
3. Finally get rid of the cables that clutter up your cockpit, and waste less time changing cables to charge your light, phone and GPS.
4. That his scorecard is immediately available at each checkpoint, that it is also sheltered from the rain - he is tired of extracting it, all softened, from a back pocket of a jersey that is inaccessible because it is covered by several layers of clothing. He would also like his frame plate, which is compulsory, to be well installed and not to get in his way.
5. In the same way, he would like the food he takes on board to be accessible, and that he be allowed to eat ON the bike, without risk.
6. He would also like his bicycle to carry the bivy (10 x 20 cm cylinder - diameter x length), the air mattress (idem) and the light duvet (15 x 25 cm - diameter x length), with which he will spend delicious nights in bank lockers.
7. Mr(Mrs) Dreamer's bicycle will comply with the PBP regulations, as far as the lights are concerned. In addition, Mr. Dreamer would like to be able to turn on, off or change the intensity or mode of his front and rear lights without getting off the bike.
8. Mr. (Mrs.) Dreamer would like to be able to disassemble and especially reassemble his rear wheel as simply as possible after a flat tire.
9. Mr. (Mrs.) Dreamer hates to inflict the splashing of his rear wheel on the other participants when it rains.
10. Mr (Mrs) Dreamer would like his bike to be foldable or collapsible and to fit in a Blablacar trunk. (Car sharing in France)
11. No, no point 11.
Remarks :
- An important note about point 2 of the specifications: the Parisian Audax club, which organises the PBP, will this year authorise the extension bars or "triathlete handlebars" (sic) on condition that they do not extend beyond the front of the brakes. This decision follows a plea I sent to the club, which also referred to the Competition. I was the first to be surprised by the response I received from the club president.
- Point 7: Flashing rear light prohibited by PBP rules
Wishing you to delight Mr(Mrs) Dreamer,
This is a "closed" rating scale. 6100 points are awarded + possible bonuses on the criteria of mass and travel time.
Weighing configuration = Bike ready to ride with :
- its pedals
- Lighting
- The luggage room (empty)
Before the event, the CT will make sure that all the obligatory equipment is present on the bike and will proceed with the weighing.
Compulsory equipment :
- A frame and a fork
- A handlebar with stem or system in its place
- A saddle with a system of attachment to the frame, making it independent and adjustable
- Two wheels with rims, hub axle, wheel locking system
- A drive system with cranks, cranks, crankset
- Multi-drive, with freewheel
- An independent front and rear braking system
After the test the TC will proceed with the inspection. If everything is ok all points will be acquired otherwise points will be withdrawn..
Note: elimination if the frame, fork, brakes, cockpit or wheel breaks.
Composition of the jury :
Alain Puiseux, President of the Jury and Editor-in-Chief of Magazine 200, at the origin of the return of the Concours de Machines in 2016 and author of Mr Rêveur's letter.
Alain Branca, from the Audax Club Parisien, who represents the organizer of the Paris- Brest-Paris and is a true enthusiast of crafts and hikers, both ancient and modern.
Julien Fritsch, a member of the Association des Artisans du Cycle, participated in the 2017 and 2018 editions under his brand Cycles Jolie Rouge. His modern proposals, technical expertise and experience within the Cyclable network will be invaluable in the evaluation of the machines.
Alexandre Voisine, is an atypical character, a true enthusiast of cycling in all its forms! From Grand-Bi to Gravel to cargo bikes, Alexandre has explored all facets of cycling. Product designer at Btwin Village, founder of the famous Malteni beer brand, he also made his own frame in the workshops at La Fraise. A true all-rounder and lover of the handcrafted cycle.
Angelo Caccia : Vice President of the Gruppo, Angelo is the technical guarantor of the Jury with more than 20 years spent at CAMPAGNOLO, and nearly 20 years within the GRUPPO (Cinelli and Columbus). Between 1982 and 1990, Angelo Caccia was one of the protagonists of the golden period of steel and the legendary SLX series. Every year he takes part in the various trade fairs that bring together the best craftsmen in the world (NAHBS, Bespoked, etc...) and has an informed and passionate eye for judging the hand-crafted manufacture of bicycles.
Guy Estopina and Gerard Goute: members of the FFCT and official representatives for the 2019 jury
The 2019 machine competition was organised by the Association des Artisans du Cycle in collaboration with the Audax Club Parisien, which is hosting the competition. It was organised as follows:
Friday 16th August:
Reception of the participants of the 2019 Machine Contest from 8:30 am.
Passage of the first 15 machines to the technical commission from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.
Evening meal: the participants (manufacturers and pilots) will meet around the regional specialities that each will have brought.
Saturday 17th August:
The last 14 bikes will go to the technical committee from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.
Photo shooting of the machines.
Exhibition of the machines to the public, from 8.30 am to 6 pm, on the site of the national sheepfold of Rambouillet.
Voting by the public
Sunday 18 August :
Joint departure at 5.15 pm, airlock F.
On return from PBP: Passage of the machines to the technical commission.
Cycles Victoire - 1er Prix du concours et Prix des constructeurs - Crédit Photo Nicolas Joly
Pechtregon - 2e Prix du concours et Prix du jury - Crédit Photo Nicolas Joly
Rossman (Etats-Unis) - 3e Prix du concours ex-aequo - Crédit Photo Nicolas Joly
Grand Bois (Japon) - 3e Prix du concours ex-aequo - Crédit Photo Nicolas Joly
Cycles Ernest - Prix du Public - Crédit Photo Nicolas Joly
Taillefer - Meilleur Rookie (Participation catégorie amateur au concours)
Photos CDM 2019
Crédit photo : John Kovalski et Arthur Richard
Press review - to go further
La revue de presse ci-dessous n’est pas exhaustive, n’hésitez pas à nous communiquer les articles couvrant l’édition 2019 à ou via le formulaire contact.
Presse écrite :
Articles en ligne :
Bike Café : article sur le concours 2019
L’équipe : article sur le concours 2019
Citycle : article sur le concours 2019
Yahoo sports : article sur le concours 2019
Cyclotourisme Mag : lien vers les articles relatif au CDM 2019
Cycles Manivelle : récit de la participation de Manivelle
Panda roule : Article membre de la commission technique
Podcasts de Radio Cyclo :